Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Unique Turkey Recipes

Last Monday, we started with some new and unique ways to make some of the classic Thanksgiving Favorites.  Today’s recipes are on cooking your Turkey!  There are several ways you can cook a turkey.It's that time of year again — time to give thanks, celebrate the season in good company and bring out those tried-and-true Thanksgiving recipes.

Portsmouth Patch and sister sites across New Hampshire want to know about those dishes that always have a place on your Thanksgiving table and those that are making their debut this year.

Have a creative spin on cranberry sauce? Are you known for famous stuffing that friends and relatives talk about long after all the Turkey Day leftovers have been gobbled up?

This is your opportunity to find out what your neighbors are cooking. Give a recipe and get one from your Nashua neighbors.

If you have a recipe you would like to share, send it to Editor Robert Cook at robert.cook@patch.com by Nov. 23. Feel free to include a short history of how the recipe came to be or how long it's been on your family's Thanksgiving table, though the simple recipe would be great by itself. We'll share the recipes leading up to Thanksgiving to give you time to gather those ingredients, hit the kitchen and get cooking!

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